Children are very important in the society because they are the future of humanity and life in all things, for that we have to raise them properly for themselves and the future of humanity..
Make tasks and homework fun for children :
Some parents may be bored because their children are neglecting some of their simple household chores or the arrangement of their clothes and bedrooms, but these tasks should be done as a game and challenge for them, creating an atmosphere of fun and entertainment for the children while they do their homework.
Giving the child options :

It is important to cultivate self-confidence in children from the beginning of their education, so they should be given some authority and freedom to choose in their affairs without trying to force them to make a choice, as this will reduce their disobedience and anger, for example, they can be consulted about the food they would like to eat or ask questions about history. What he prefers to hear before going to bed and other simple questions that allow him to make a decision.
Paying attention to your behaviors in front of them :

Children generally learn their behaviours and morals from their parents or their relationships with adults in general. When dealing with children, care must be taken to ensure that the person is a model of healthy morality and behaviour in front of them, for example, honesty and attention must be paid to managing anger in front of them so that people gain respect for children, and they cultivate morals and good qualities in them.
Set limits and sanctions :

It is important in the treatment of children to inform them of the rules and limits they must follow and not violate them, and to set the appropriate punishment for violating these rules, but the punishment must be far away from any violence or deprivation of the child from things they might need such as food, the goal is only to teach them Adhere to the rules and behaviour.
Strengthen self-confidence :
Parents’ behaviour reflects greatly on their children, that is to say, the children notice and understand the smallest details of their parents, such as voice, body language, and facial expressions, all of which affect self-confidence, so parents should praise and be proud of their children’s achievements, no matter how small, and give them enough space to practice their actions independently so that they feel With strength and self-confidence, also should not be underestimated of the children, or compared to others.
Role models :
Parents need to control their behaviours when exposed to situations such as anger or nervousness, because the children constantly monitor them and learn from them how to handle different situations, and studies have shown that aggressive children and those who use beatings generally adopt these behaviours from family members.
Building relationships with others :
Social relationships are very important for children, especially as they grow up, so parents need to teach and accustom their children to build good relationships with others, and start by encouraging the child to be kind to others, to help them and treat them kindly to build relationships with them, and research has shown that this makes them happier in the long run.